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A six minute multimedia video piece of the mid 90s works that aesthetically cites affinities between 'left bank' cinema movement artists while deploying the disruptive potentials of multi-media on cinematic storytelling conventions. Enemy of Fun is…
Rain Shadow [1997] is a highly post produced 5 minute audio-visual work that creates a complex multimodal poetics through the use of original and found footage, (often embedded into each other by use of multiple screens in one screen), slices of…

Museum of Fire is one third of a three part portmanteau project made in collaboration with John Conomos and David Haines. The work plays with and across various types of motion landscapes: an early motif for many new media artists in the 1980s and…

Artist StatementIn her durational performance, 1001 nights cast, Barbara Campbell cast a story into the ether every night for 1001 nights from 21 June 2005 to 17 March 2008. Each story had been written for her during the day by a pool of (by the end)…

A hypertext poem assembled of fragments of poetry, plays and other textual fragments of Rimbaud, Patrick White, Shakespeare, Virginia Wolff and original text by Caney. The work integrates visual elements in its interaction, such as animated, linked…

Artist StatementImaginative Reading V is a collaborative web site in 15 paragraphs. A female academic writer is exploring how aspects of her thesis on intertextuality might be "written" in the future by the baby she bore while doing her PhD. A male…

Artist Statement Believe is both a website and a novel which is being written by my fictional character, Theodora Free. It will circulate around ideas about isolation and despair while also trying to find some form of peace/bliss. The novel is still…

A short hypertext poem which subverts notions of Mother Country by thinking through the obverse: 'a mother becomes a country'. The work repurposes the 'look and feel' of other of Caney's poems, for instance, Time's Daughter, through reuse of html…

Time's daughter is a hypertext poetic work that explores the themes of desire, expectation and contemplation. The user begins at a simple home page with a choice of seven words( where, view, belly, time, eon, face, hands ) through which the user can…

Artist StatementInside/outside intertextuality is a collection of fragments relating to text, new technologies, identity and language. Both text and language are considered in their broadest contexts: as entities which transmute as they voyage across…

A virtual writers-in-residence project. ANAT, as a joint initiative with the Adelaide based Electronic Writing and Research Ensemble, commissioned Perth based writer Josephine Wilson and Brisbane writer Linda Carroli to undertake 'virtual'…

Cipher is a work in progress by 'collaborators' Josephine Wilson and Linda Carroli. Email conversations are the anchor for this engagement with a rhetoric that queries the value and the a/effects (now and/or eventual) of desire in the realm of…
Artist StatementTwo teams, warriors all, enter the great cycle of pain, humiliation, and exhilaration. Different women take the lead, driven by a new and ardent desire. Some come from the Furies, expressing the unappeasable anger of the dead, while…

Artist Statement Hacking a roller-ball mouse to separate the x and y axes of cursor control. horizontal cursor-movement is controlled by the arms, with vertical movement controlled by the legs. By working across two computers two texts are produced…

Artist StatementAttempting to write two different letters by pulling and releasing strings attached to each of the four limbs.Source of Artist Statement

Artist StatementWith two pens in each hand the artist attempts to write four letters simultaneously.Source of Artist Statement

Artist StatementAttempting to write four different letters simultaneously with the use of extensions attached to arms and legs.Source of Artist Statement
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atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2