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Artist StatementA phone number is displayed on a large screen in a public space along with the instruction 'sms your family origins' Participants sms their own and their parents places of birth to this number and linked curved vectors are added to a…

Artist StatementThe Seeker installation uses three large projections to explore migration, territorial boundaries, conflict commodities and human displacement. Seeker's interactive component enables participants to map their own personal family…
The Fourth Floor: le quatrieme etage is a bi-lingual Internet work and is the first part of a larger project entitled The Search for rue Simon-Crubellier. The work explores real and imagined relations to place and poses the question: is it possible…
A site specific performative multi-media experiment/exploration of myth and map making, of bodies, space and the many modalities of old and new media. The work documents the artists' search/research for fictional site in Paris inspired by the work of…

Artist StatementThis project will use the Rivercat Ferry Service as a moving platform to deliver a location sensitive audio and visual exploration of the river, it's people and their many stories The Parramatta River is also a living narrative, with…
Red Dice / Des Chiffre (2000) was commissioned by the Canadian National Gallery and is now in their permanent collection. Seaman again worked with Chris Ziegler on the programming of the work. The work presents a text by the Poet Stephane Mallarme -…
This work is inspired by the real-time events triggered by a fatal shooting incident in MIT and a manhunt for suspects allegedly involved in the Boston Marathon bombings as reported through social media, particularly Twitter.Excerpt from Leonardo…
Artist StatementPirating sensor data from the Roller Derby players to use as framework to trigger text feeds - past, present & realtime from skaters, audience and artists. Expanding the action on the track, the screen displays a data-mash: live…
Rain Shadow [1997] is a highly post produced 5 minute audio-visual work that creates a complex multimodal poetics through the use of original and found footage, (often embedded into each other by use of multiple screens in one screen), slices of…
The idea of a raft is of something lashed together, an inventive solution to a problem, of making do from available materials, of creating something which may be lifesaving. A raft also suggests travelling, and specifically travelling over water.…

Artist StatementAttempting to write two different letters by pulling and releasing strings attached to each of the four limbs.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementProseThetic Memories is a collaborative, fictocritical and cross-genre text which combines prose, poetry, cultural theory and philosophy. It challenges traditional ideas about memory as a process of storage and subsequent retrieval.…
Artist StatementRecombination, hand correction and the layering of meaning are built into his exploration of design and poetry.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementWhat exactly IS writing? Is picture writing something that is half way between pictures and writing? And is it a useful concept for thinking about new media writing and interfaces? One approach to these questions is provided by…
Artist StatementPostcard from Tunis is not an objective documentary (if such a thing actually exists). Instead, it's a playful, artistic exploration of writing: its histories, its inscriptions, its relationships with pictures and its relevance to the…
Artist StatementThe World Machine originates in Ludea. Its function is to transmutate the city streets to provide a suitable habitat for Ludean lifeforms. At its core are seven tags that appear in scenes that are at once familiar and alien…
Artist StatementPoints of View II - Babel addressed issues relating to the Falklands War. It implemented functional and iconographic structures that were similar to Points of View I. Egyptian hieroglyphs were used to articulate both a visual and…
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