Browse Items (263 total)
Artist StatementOn a coding craft level "I am googable therefore I am" is coded to be a live aggregated feed, made with Beautiful Soup - a coding language mix of Python HTML/XML. This is programmed to hit the artists name each day to give a read out…
Artist StatementA live video feed from the room where I often sleep captures the canal outside the window, a well-traversed trade route into Amsterdam. A live web cam sequences at 6 sec time intervals and transmits this via the Internet, which opens…
Artist StatementPirating sensor data from the Roller Derby players to use as framework to trigger text feeds - past, present & realtime from skaters, audience and artists. Expanding the action on the track, the screen displays a data-mash: live…
Artist StatementThis videoblog has existed in various locations since 2000 and is being consolidated here. The work is made by Adrian Miles and is experimental, which means it might not work for you. I have written extensively about video blogging…
Artist StatementThis is the video that was used in the vogma manifesto post. This was the manifesto I wrote outlining what I thought videoblogging should be. I still subscribe to these ideas. The video was shoot on the bus from Oslo airport into the…

In this article "Ghosted Publics- the unacknowledged collective in the contemporary transformation of the circulation of ideas" Andrew Murphie presents his 23 theses as a base for a panoptic speculation on the nature of editorial industry and its new…
Artist StatementACT - assemblage for collective thought - is an ongoing conceptual and aesthetic collaboration, an assemblage of technologies and techniques for collaboration. It enables participants to think collectively. By 'think' here we do…
Artist StatementThis is a simple work. It is a cycle of poems, randomly interlinked. It is not radical in its use of technology - the randomising perl script is the most natural way to navigate the cycle of poems because, while all the poems were…
Artist StatementActivated by the voices of visitors in the real-world gallery and chat messaging from virtual visitors in Second Life, a swarm of letter cubes - programmed to seek out their original word position - slowly builds a morphing, virtual…
Artist StatementSydney's Siberia recreates how networks build exploratory story-scapes through an interactive zooming/clicking interface. Using 121 poetic/story image tiles, the artwork dynamically generates mosaics, infinitely recombining to build…
Artist StatementA interactive logoed world populated with 45 strange and fantastical stories of the societal/cultural failure of influential net portals, fast food giants, newspapers, airlines, manufacturers and other oddities.Source of Artist…
Artist StatementA strange hybrid work where writing is built directly from the videos and statistical graphs. These are imaginary worlds/possibilities, with the background pop culture videos evidence and inspiration. After mousing over the data…
Artist StatementEvidence of Everything Exploding is a game driven digital poem exploring various historical and contemporary texts. Each level's poetic content is built from the document's sub-sub texts and curious consequences. With Bill Gates'…
Artist StatementDigital poetry should surround the reader, to encompass them in the experience, to entice their hands and eyes to move with the language and explore the interface. It's critical for digital writers to see the interface, visuals,…
Artist StatementMulti-level menus as poetry generator, for when lines branch and branch. When writing a poem, often any line could generate out new directions, intersecting poems, branching possibilities. Using the modified code of a menu-sub-menu, I…
Artist StatementA fancy way/method for branching, poetic lines out of lines, extending the poem down and out, read through node or nodeless. The poetic notion is more than simple. Write a poem, perhaps ten lines long. Then explore each of the lines,…
Artist StatementMultidimensional/interactive cube poem, based on the puzzle, but impossible to solve.Source of Artist Statement
Artist Statementi made this. you play this. we are enemies. "is an art game, interactive digital poem which uses game levels built on screen shots from influential community based websites/portals. And using messy hand drawn elements, strange texts,…
Artist StatementSeries of short ficto-doomsday stones using with real-time countdowns to the end of times.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementBrief curious video based songs/sound poems with flash animated backgrounds.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementThis strange island continent and its ever dry centre and clusters of wooded sea tethered cities is compass confused. European colonizers are forever pointed north and west, pining for California culture or European roots, the…
Artist StatementGGGAG is a digital poem, game, and anti-design statement. The western world's surroundings, belief systems, designed culture-games, create the built illusion of clean lines and definitive choice, cold narrow pathways of five colours,…
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atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2