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Artist StatementThe Flight of Ducks [is] a participatory online documentary built around a collection of objects from a camel expedition into Central Australia in 1933. [This work] takes the textual form of a journey through a landscape and turns it…
A site specific performative multi-media experiment/exploration of myth and map making, of bodies, space and the many modalities of old and new media. The work documents the artists' search/research for fictional site in Paris inspired by the work of…
The Fourth Floor: le quatrieme etage is a bi-lingual Internet work and is the first part of a larger project entitled The Search for rue Simon-Crubellier. The work explores real and imagined relations to place and poses the question: is it possible…
In Search of the Inland Sea is a three part video/sound work, installation and performance event that remixes a journey of early Australian explorer, Charles Sturt, in which he hauled a whaleboat overland in search of an inland sea. As the artists…
The Art of Walking is a small, deft and moving contemplation on walking as both art and remix. The Art of Walking was created specifically for the website of Mark Amerika's 'Remix the Book' Project, which itself was a remix of Amerika's 'theoretical…
Space junk is a video and sound installation that continues out-of-sync situationist inspired practice of making work that starts with performative encounters in public places. The work dwells textually, aurally and visually on the paradoxes and odd…
Artist StatementTalking About the Weather is an ongoing cross media project sparked by our response to the terrifying spectre of global climate change. Sheer terror at the possibilities that are being talked about led us to talking about the weather.…
The Museum of Rumour, 2003, is both an internet work and a site specific installation originally installed at Callan Park, which had once been an insane asylum and is now Sydney College of the Arts. The website uses Gertrude Stein as a node for a…
Artist StatementWithin every human there is a singular gene, unique only to that individual. And with that gene comes a singular ability, a rare, mostly never realized capacity for interacting with the world. The Bomar Gene explores this mythical…
Artist Statement A growing area of cultural and technology theory and practice that centres on how technology recreates/reforms our relationship with the land/builtscape. LNM is not depended on any particular tech, not are new tech innovations…
All simple colours and one page poeticals. Built to rearrange, to force the reader/ user to play. Rollover sounds lead to the original order of the poem.Source of Description
Overpowering soundings pull the poetics along to certain conclusions. A simple creation, with the reader/user determining the order of stanzas.Source of Description
The music is the poem, magnifying the words the block's sideways, backways motion. Simple rollovers for simple background accents.Source of Description
Artist StatementCloned sheep with teeth outside their skulls, recreate the cloning gone bad process with a hyperpoetic context. Includes an embarrassingly bad "matrix" interface.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementCombines mysticism science with math poetics caressed into game interface. A modified card game cycles randomly through 52 options.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementSimple interacter, forces the reader/user to play. More abstract painting than strict poem, but glorious fun all the same.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementExploring depth, plays with texts inside texts inside texts. Artwork arrived after watching loose poem pages blow from my car.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementAllegiance between common objects and overblown titles, brand names. Toothbrushes and carpet beg us to find joy in our status as dry and flooring shined buyers.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementFiddle with the intersections between ficto-biography, found text and obscure science. Packaged in the dust bowl landscapes of the Oklahoma panhandle.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementA collection of related digital poems, all attached to objects, exploring our fascination and near religious reliance on household machines.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementInspired by the artic sound experiments of Glen Gould. Isolating small talk at crowded parties, this engine allows the user/reader to create their own vocal mess.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementInspired by lost diaries and those strange diseases that arise in one percent of one percent of the one percent of us.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementRedesigned the interface, playing off 3D feel on version one, placing it within the two dimensions. Added a few extra bits, and readjusted the medical reports.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementAn anthology of interactive poems. Originally was three different works. Fitted together in "selected works" mode.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementWhile net-art becomes increasingly more complex, more database and programming centered, this project shoots for simplicity. Utilizing the basic mouse-follower, Uncontrollable Semantics pulls together over fifty dramatically different…
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