Browse Items (263 total)

This is an interactive hypermedia piece, designed for the web, and comprising text, sound, graphics and animation. Participants can create their own alternative pathways and combine the elements in many different ways. The work concerns the interface…
Artist StatementDigital poetry should surround the reader, to encompass them in the experience, to entice their hands and eyes to move with the language and explore the interface. It's critical for digital writers to see the interface, visuals,…
Artist StatementA interactive logoed world populated with 45 strange and fantastical stories of the societal/cultural failure of influential net portals, fast food giants, newspapers, airlines, manufacturers and other oddities.Source of Artist…
Artist StatementOn 11 June 2012, if:book Australia challenged a team of writers and editors to collaborate, write, and publish a book in a single 24-hour period. At midday, the writers gathered at the State Library of Queensland and began working…
Artist StatementThis strange island continent and its ever dry centre and clusters of wooded sea tethered cities is compass confused. European colonizers are forever pointed north and west, pining for California culture or European roots, the…

Welcome to Panopolis takes the form of an imaginary travellers/tourist online guide that outlines a series of predictable and cliched experiences in what influential anthropologist Marc Auge, has labelled 'the non-places of supermodernity': spaces…
A work created for CD-ROMs interactive participation, and amongst the winners of a competitive submission to the International Computer Music Association, who released it in 2000, on their 'Cyberquilts' CD-ROM anthology. The work can also be…
Artist StatementThis is the video that was used in the vogma manifesto post. This was the manifesto I wrote outlining what I thought videoblogging should be. I still subscribe to these ideas. The video was shoot on the bus from Oslo airport into the…
Artist StatementThis videoblog has existed in various locations since 2000 and is being consolidated here. The work is made by Adrian Miles and is experimental, which means it might not work for you. I have written extensively about video blogging…
Artist StatementA strange hybrid work where writing is built directly from the videos and statistical graphs. These are imaginary worlds/possibilities, with the background pop culture videos evidence and inspiration. After mousing over the data…
Artist StatementReal-time weather rss feeds drive a series of visualizations. Artistically translates numbers into strange creatures.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementUser Unfriendly Interface, CD ROM/Installation on themes of conspiracy theories, male vs female concept of space, dating services, mens issues and personality testing.Source of Artist Statement
Artist StatementThe Urban Codemakers operated in Guildford Lane between August 2010 and February 2011. Their urban renewal project sought to rezone the city through play. It consists of three guilds, street signage, 100+ blog posts, four blogs, a…

Eugenia Raskopoulos’ latest installation straddles dark domestic and political territory. The messages range from blunt to subtle. A video camera looks through a car windscreen across which the word “refugees” is written against a clear blue sky,…
Artist StatementWhile net-art becomes increasingly more complex, more database and programming centered, this project shoots for simplicity. Utilizing the basic mouse-follower, Uncontrollable Semantics pulls together over fifty dramatically different…
Artist Statement_Twitterwurking_ comprised of sequential "tweets" posted via a microblogging platform called Twitter. The work itself was written in my mezangelle language - a type of merging of programming languages/code with poetic elements. The…

'Tunnel' is an html site,using javascript, java applets and animated gifs and images that explored cybersexuality which in the early 1990s was an emerging area in both cyberculture and cyberart. It explored the intersection of female sex and…
Artist StatementTrope creatively intervenes in the ways that readers engage with literary texts and aims to expand writing networks and to further develop the virtual literary community. Trope features short fiction and poetry in selected…
Unbearable Lightness (tree of fortune) is a collaboration between Keith Armstrong and Linda Carroli recontextualising the Christmas tree. On the South Bank Cultural Forecourt, a fig tree is decorated with small glowing baubles which on closer…

A hypertext poem assembled of fragments of poetry, plays and other textual fragments of Rimbaud, Patrick White, Shakespeare, Virginia Wolff and original text by Caney. The work integrates visual elements in its interaction, such as animated, linked…
Artist StatementIconica is an artificial world made of language, populated by lifeforms whose bodies are made of media encoded with different systems of representation. The artificial life model that generates the appearance and behaviour of this…
Output Formats

atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2