On medication: Twills (tweets about pills)
Artist Statement
Twills is a generative video work, dynamic and mostly text-based. It was projected on the wall in the show and explores the roles of medication in contemporary life and the complex responses people have to these. I harvested twitter for several months in 2013 looking for interesting tweets containing the words pills or medication and built a database of over 500 tweets. Then I wrote a program to assemble random collections of tweets into structured collages of these many different hopes, fears, problems, solutions and experiences of medication. People are remarkably candid on twitter and their tweets are thought-provoking in themselves, but when they are combined in unexpected ways, new stories are continually generated.
Source of Artist Statement
Twills is a generative video work, dynamic and mostly text-based. It was projected on the wall in the show and explores the roles of medication in contemporary life and the complex responses people have to these. I harvested twitter for several months in 2013 looking for interesting tweets containing the words pills or medication and built a database of over 500 tweets. Then I wrote a program to assemble random collections of tweets into structured collages of these many different hopes, fears, problems, solutions and experiences of medication. People are remarkably candid on twitter and their tweets are thought-provoking in themselves, but when they are combined in unexpected ways, new stories are continually generated.
Source of Artist Statement
Golin, Carlo
McDonald, Bill
Copyright Sally Pryor. The copyright of images posted on the ADELTA Website belongs to third parties and is included on this website by permission from copyright holders. Apart from any use permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (including fair dealing) the images may not be downloaded, adapted, remixed, printed, emailed, stored in a cache or otherwise reproduced without the written permission from the copyright holder.
Generative video work/Multimedia installation
Work URL
Pryor,Sally, “On medication: Twills (tweets about pills),” ADELTA, accessed March 10, 2025, https://omeka.westernsydney.edu.au/adelta/items/show/160.
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