A temporary installation in the Perth Institute of Contemporary Art. A hole is cut into a sealed over fireplace in what was once a boy's classroom.. A sound work is placed inside the chimney of a lesson being given on the human digestive system. A stream of red pencils seems to flow from the chimney through a hole in the floor. The sound track is very quiet. The smell of camphor flakes wafts up with the air movements within the chimney.
Excerpt from the Australian Sound Design Project
Excerpt from the Australian Sound Design Project
Farman, Nola
Copyright Nola Farman. The copyright of images posted on the ADELTA Website belongs to third parties and is included on this website by permission from copyright holders. Apart from any use permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (including fair dealing) the images may not be downloaded, adapted, remixed, printed, emailed, stored in a cache or otherwise reproduced without the written permission from the copyright holder.
Multimedia installation
Farman, Nola, “Metabolism,” ADELTA, accessed March 9, 2025,
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