Notes for Walking (the space in between time)
Artist Statement
Notes for Walking (the space in between time), [is] a locative artwork and app developed for Middle Head National Park, an abandoned naval fort in Sydney, NSW, and [was] presented during the Sydney Festival, 2013. In Notes for Walking, thirteen short video notes are electronically tagged to features of landscape, asking audiences to contemplate notions of waiting, time and impermanence as they walk the site. The project emerges from doctoral research into Buddhist pilgrimage, meaningful landscapes and the goeika poems of the 88 Temple pilgrimage of Shikoku, Japan, and the ways in which contemporary approaches to landscape and spatial narrative may intersect with earlier practices.
Description from Vimeo
Notes for Walking (the space in between time), [is] a locative artwork and app developed for Middle Head National Park, an abandoned naval fort in Sydney, NSW, and [was] presented during the Sydney Festival, 2013. In Notes for Walking, thirteen short video notes are electronically tagged to features of landscape, asking audiences to contemplate notions of waiting, time and impermanence as they walk the site. The project emerges from doctoral research into Buddhist pilgrimage, meaningful landscapes and the goeika poems of the 88 Temple pilgrimage of Shikoku, Japan, and the ways in which contemporary approaches to landscape and spatial narrative may intersect with earlier practices.
Description from Vimeo
Heyward, Megan
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Locative artwork
App for mobile phone / Vimeo
Heyward, Megan, “Notes for Walking (the space in between time),” ADELTA, accessed March 9, 2025,
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