Western Sydney Women's Oral History Project: Letter from Winsome Phillis


Letter written after the interview, highlighting a few corrections needed to the transcript and providing additional detail around some points.


Winsome Phillis


University of Western Sydney


Copyright University of Western Sydney 2015






67 Riverstone Rd.
Riverstone. 2765


22nd February, 1992

Dear Robyn,

After reading the copy of the transcript of our interview 13/12/91, there are just a few matters I would like to draw to your attention.

0.22        I have referred to Sister Barnes’ Hospital as a Nursing Home, but this is not correct. It was a Private Hospital for Mothers and Babies, so I should have called it a Maternity Hospital. Could you please adjust this.

Sister Barnes was a fully qualified Sister, and occasionally helped out with the other medical problems in the town, but mainly she dealt with Mothers and Babies. I have been told that she was a wonderful woman – at times she would even sleep on a mattress on the floor to make room for extra Mothers in her Hospital.

3.51        When I said our toilet was ‘out the back’ maybe I should have explained more fully that it was a separate small timber building about 20 feet from the back door. It contained a wooden seat with a black Sanitary Can underneath; the used Can was removed every week by the


Sanitary Carter and replaced by a clean empty can.

9.42        When I left school I went in to Sydney where I attended Peacocks’ Comptometer College in Martin Place. (You might like to edit the spelling.)

Thank you for the tape and I hope the photos turn out well.

Yours sincerely,

(Mrs) Win Phillis.


Original Format


Item Relations

This Item Relation Item: Audio recording of interview with Winsome Phillis
This Item Relation Item: Photo of Winsome Phillis
Item: Transcript of interview with Winsome Phillis Relation This Item
Item: Winsome Phillis creator of This Item



Winsome Phillis, “Western Sydney Women's Oral History Project: Letter from Winsome Phillis,” From farms to freeways: Women's memories of Western Sydney, accessed March 12, 2025, https://omeka.westernsydney.edu.au/farmstofreeways/items/show/463.