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  • Tags: comptometer

Western Sydney Women's Oral History Project: Letter from Winsome Phillis


67 Riverstone Rd.Riverstone. 2765   22nd February, 1992 Dear Robyn, After reading the copy of the transcript of our interview 13/12/91, there are just a few matters I would like to draw to your attention. 0.22        I have referred to Sister Barnes’…

Transcript of interview with Winsome Phillis

Winsome Phillis was born on 5th March, 1929, at Riverstone. Winsome's father worked at the Riverstone Meatworks and the family lived in a house they had built in Regent Street, Riverstone. After leaving school at age 15, Phillis completed a…

Transcript of interview with Heather Corr

Heather Corr was born on 10th April, 1923, at Penrith. Heather's father was a bootmaker and musician. The family lived in Penrith, in the street now known as Cox Avenue, on a block of land owned by her mother's father. After leaving school at age 14,…